


Each county in North Carolina is assigned a specific number of “slots” for people with intellectual or developmental disabilities based on the total population. Recipients of the service must meet eligibility requirements for Intensive Care Facilities for Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities formerly known as ICFMR. An assessment of need is completed, including needs, concerns for safety and well-being, diagnosis of intellectual or development disability and goals to be worked on.

If you are not already receiving Innovations Waiver Services and would like to apply, contact the MCO’s as follows:

Alliance Behavioral Healthcare –1-800-510-9132
Eastpointe -1-800-513-4002
Sandhills Center -1-800-256-2452
When calling, specifically ask for Innovations Waiver Services for people who have intellectual and developmental disabilities. Note: There is a waiting list or registry of unmet needs for Innovations Waiver Services. The list is used to help the legislature determine future funding needs.


Once approved for Innovations Waiver Services, the Care Coordinator will write an Individual Support Plan outlining goals to be worked upon. The services, including the frequency are defined in the plan and authorized by the Managed Care Organization. The MCO sets the fee/rate which is paid to the provider that provides the services.


A counselor with the North Carolina Division of Vocational Rehabilitation Services will work with you to write an individual plan of employment. If you select Kaleo Supports to provide your services. the counselor will provide us with authorization. We will have an intake meeting with you and your counselor and begin your services.


What can our staff do? … (see Why Choose Us?)


Community Based Assessment
Evaluations of a Person’s skills in real life settings such as a home, volunteer opportunities and within the community. Kaleo Supports implements a person centered approach to assessment.

Work Adjustment Job Coach
Included job development and placement along with on-the job coaching to insure successful employment.

Supported Employment
Includes supplemental evaluations, job development and placement, intensive training, and extended services (long term support).

Participants must first apply for services through the local VR office. For information on services and how to apply, contact Kaleo Supports at 910-630-2255

Inovations Waiver
Comunity Alternatives Program for Poeple with intelectual and Development Disabilities

Residential Supports
Assistance with acquiring, retaining, and improving skills related to daily living. This service is provided through Alternative Family Living Homes.

Personal Care Services
Includes support, supervision and engaging with eating, bathing, dressing, personal hygiene and other activities of daily living.

Community Networking Services
Provides individualized day activities that support a meaningful day in an integrated community setting.

In-Home Intensive Supports provides support to individuals in their private home when the individual needs extensive support and supervision.


Supported Employment
assistance with choosing, acquiring and maintaining employment for people who are 16 years of age or older.

Respite Care
periodic relief for the family or primary caregiver.

In Home Skill Building
Provides skill building to enable the person to acquire and maintain skills which support more independence.

Natural Supports Education
This service provides training to family members or the individual to enhance decision making capacity. This service will fund the cost of conference or workshop registration.


People who receive Innovations Waiver Services establish the schedule for his or her staff. Each plan is different as is each person’s schedule. Innovations Waiver Services are scheduled as needed by the individual and family and as defined in the plan. Services are rendered in the settings decided by the team and if applicable, defined in the plan.

Families are advised to schedule respite services as far in advance as possible. Overnight respite is available if needed.

Kaleo Supports has at least three staff trained to work with each individual. This allows for flexibility and increased probability of providing back-up staff if an employee needs to miss work. Kaleo Supports understands that it is difficult to have different staff. We are committed to making sure our employees are trained and strangers are not offered to you as back-up staff.


Anyone may refer to Kaleo Supports but prior to proceeding with or accepting a referral, the family, guardian or individual must contact Kaleo Supports to discuss how we can partner with them to provide services.


Calling for us is providing services to meet your expectations and needs. The Rubix cube is a good symbol of how it comes together. Each person’s individual plan comes together different;y and the results is meaningful outcomes!

The people we serve have several characteristics (including but not limited to): what here she wants to accomplish, what here she wants to life to be like, accessing and engaging with the community, being safe, understanding his or her individual rights, needing consistent and dependable staff and services to be meaningful.

How do we meet the unique needs of each individual? One person at a time!